1/03 ...well, while I was at the clinic they brought in Hobsen on a stretcher, and also while I was being treated , Yorie was in the same room with me, he was being treated by Dr. Martin...apparently Gordon and Scott had brough him in ahead of me... and he was in a lot of pain, I could see that, screaming and yelling and carrying on, his mother was there and at that point, things were crazy...I said, I've got to get out of here, I can't stay here...somehow my wife had found out about what had happened , and she had come down there, she came in the clinic, I told her, you got to get me out of here, take me to Jamestown to the hospital, she made a phonecall, sherrie Mosher, a neighbor came down and picked us up and took us to Jamestown (PICTURE breaking-UP)...02/48...


3 /50 ...they went into surgery and they didn't know whether they were going to save it...


4/17 ...I guess whenever you come out of surgery you're pretty drowsy, my wife was there, they had my hand in a felt like I still had my finger but it wasn't there, ghost feelings I guess, even to this day I still get feels like it's still there or it itches, but it's not...5/02


5/20 ... but I guess it didn't ,, I healed up rather quickly, I had surgery later where they reconstructed part of it...bout two years later, the bullet that went in above my eye , bout two years later I was having trouble with the muscles in my eye and they went in and removed that...I still have one in my shouderthat they never removed...5/56


6/05 ...well, ...the bullet, the first one that I took in the hand ended up in the stock of the shotgun, there was schrapnel pieces all over my hand from it, where it shattered... and then the other ones that I took came thru the door, so they were busted up as they came thru, which probably saved my life also, a piece went, I guess they call it the brass casing from the bullet is what went into my forehead, and pieces went into my arm , and in my face there were pieces all over the side of my face...there was one bullet hit me right here...but I was wearing a vest, ...a 223 round which they were firing would have came thru the vest on a direct hit, but it came thru the door and hit the vest and that stopped it...7/05...


7/17 ...oh yeas, ...I guess a lot of it, my wife tells me about, there's a lot of things I do at night that scare her... in the middle of the night, she's told me these things, ...I pull her off the bed and hold her down and things like this, that somebodies coming... just strange things that never happened before or she'll wake up and I'll b e putting a chair under the doorknob of the bedroom trying to keep people out...strange things like that...I guess the only thing that I've ever dreamt about that I can remember is that when I do dream it's a violent situation...8/19 ...

somebody getting shot, or me having to shoot someone, I don't remember ever dreaming about this particular incident... replaying this whole thing, that's never happened, ...certain things about it...I might have dreamt...


8/59 ... I don't think it's really affected me, ...I've talked to a lot of media personnel...I just tried to tell the story the way it happened...I don't blame anybody for it happening except the three individuals, Gordon who is dead now and Scott and Yorie who are in prison...those are the only people I blame for any of this...

...I believe they will some day...

...9/35... they I think they got sentenced to two life sentences plus fifteen years, in ND a life sentence is twenty years, so they could spend 45 - 55 years in jail , but they were both young enough, maybe someday they'll get out, I don't their good time works or any of that...


10/16 ...well when I heard about it I was kind of happy...I don't know where he was to begin with,...I don't know where he is right now, or if he's still there...or whwere he is...but I did hear he was down south in a penitenitary with a bunch of black people, and I thought well maybe that's good for him...10/50 ... one of their big things was they hated jews, they hated blacks... they were the supreme race, ...just like naziism or the KKK, or whatever you want to call it... it's all the same thing, just different names, posse comitatus, aryan nation, it's all the same thing... they probably got a thousand names they call themselves, but it's basically the same beliefs... it a religious beliefs... they don't like jews and they believe the jews run the govt. and the banks,... and the blacks, now where the blacks come in I'm not very sure...11/33...


11/36 ... I haven't read the whole book yet, I ahve several copies of it, I haven't sat down to read it, my wife has read it, my daughter has read it and a lot of people I know have read it... she thought it was okay, she figured that the author did a good job in the book... he,


...12/09...the first part of the book is basically all about me and what I was thinking that day or during the shootout...where he got his information from I don't know? (smiles) ...cause I never talked to the man myself, ...I talked to an individual once, but it wasn't he got my feelings... everything he wrote in there was exactly how I felt...he did a good job in writing it...




12/54 ...I GUESS I don't know...I like Nick Nolte...I'd like to see it. ...


13/33 ...well, I probably won't sleep for a couple days now, because even thinking about it again, going thru the whole thing, upsets me even now... not that it scares just I get upset that the whole thing even upsets me that those marshals died...I feel that that's probably my fault... I did everything that I thought I could do that day or tried to, but, you know, like I said earlier, hindsight is better than foresight, but I don't know why...there should have been people dead that day, but it shouldn't have been law enforcement officers...14/28 ...


14/35 ... they had, they sent in this psychitrist in to see me while I was in the hopsital, I was in for about a week... I don't believe in any of that crap by the way... they did do that ...they didn't find anything wrong, they said I was fine...that it would not affect me in any way, and I don't believe it has...the only way that it's affected me, is that I try to do my job a little bit better and a little more careful...if I do go into a situation where I think there might be a possiblity that someone might get hurt...I take precaustions for the other officers, cause normally you're not by yourself when you do those kind of things...

15/54...well, I've always gotten good support from fellow officers in this area... and good support from US Marshals service...


16/36 ...I guess I feel that and a lot of people in Medina say why medina...I guess no matter where he would have been confronted you would have had the same mattter where it was, in another state, at his home, why he was never picked up on this warrant before, I don't know...I heard that they tried to serve it several times...I don't know why it was never serve...if the guy was living in my county he'd have been arrested long before then...cause I belive the warrant was almost two years old ...if the marshals would have ever contacted me and said, I got a warrant for this guy he lives in your county, he farms there, within a week he'd of been in jail... 17/40...


17/44... no, I guess I never wishd that... the only thing I do wisht, it still upsets me that we stood there and let these fellows point guns at us and we didn't do anything about it...except yell at them...and like I said before, the first guy who pulled a trigger, somebodies dead and that's what happened...18/05?...far as I believe Yori pulled the trigger and killed Robert Chesire...later on, after, I didn't know how bad he was hit at the time, but the first bullet he took went into his heart, he would have died or at least that's what the doctors said...that performed the autopsy or whatever...18/40


18/48 ...well, I'm not a real big fan of attnys...I hate attorneys , all the wishy washy crap that they come up with, to try and get somebody off...lie, and,,, I've never seen a defense attny yet who didn't make his client lie and if they say they don't they're full of shit. ...I have no time for defense attny's the trial , they brought up so much crap in the trial about, an ambush type of situation...I suppose you could call it know, it's basically what it was, but we were there to arrest him, to do a job...we did it, we did ambush him...but we didn't ambush him to kill was just to arrest him...he made that choice on his own... I am not somebody who goes around and kills people...that's not what I do. If I have to I will. But, that's not what I do...if I have to kill someone to protect myslef or someone else I will do that...but and I won''t feel bad about it either...


20/19 ...I had several threats from those people one point this Jim Wickstrom...on the news he made a statement, that when they want me, they'll just come and get me...and also I heard a lot of things ...that this group, the posse comitatus had a price on my head...they were offering so much money for anybody that would kill me...never did bother me,... they wanna come, come on...I'm here, I didn't move, I'm not hiding from anybody...there was a lot of threats...they sent me on vacation a lot of times to get me out of the state...


...21/27 ...uhh, three days before they had the incident with Gordon in Ark. they called me...and they didn't tell me at the time, which kind of upset me...they told me to be watch myself the next few days, but they didn't tell me why...but afterwards, they told me...Gordon was in texas, but he was working his way back here, he was in ark. at the time, but he was headed here. And the reason he was headed here was to kill me and Darral Graf and this was where he would make his last stand...(who told you that) ... I believe it was one of the marshals, I don't remember which one it was exactly, but, told me taht later, cause that was what his daughter that turned him in...



...22/20 ...or who actually turned him in, ...but whoever did actually tell the marshals where he was at, told them this...that tha'ts what his plans were, that he was coming back to ND, cause he knew eventually he'd be captured or be shot and killed or whatever ...which he chosed to do I he figured as long as he was going, he was going t to take me and Graf along with him. Which was fine with me, you know , I'd a like to have a second shot at him. It wouldn't have hurt my feelings at all...23/01...


23/32 ... I'm sure they'll deny anything, like threatening me or having a bounty on my head...that's just the kind of people they are...